Can CBD Help Calm Hyper or Anxious Dogs? Yessiree says dog lover and CBD entrepreneur Paul Borde’ Founder of Primabee CBD, and he says the dogs love it.

Paul’s done a lot of research into how CBD affects pets as well as humans. To be clear CBD  does not make a dog or a human high. CBD is a non-psychoactive hemp-derived compound, that’s safe to consume that’s touting multiple wellness benefits.

I decided to do a story on CBD for dogs because it’s the holiday season and there are people I want to visit whose dogs make me ‘nervous’. Now that I’m more educated about CBD I figured I’d bring ‘them’ along a little gift of CBD Dog Chews so we can both relax. LOL.

Many dogs get a little hyper when company visits. Some dogs get a lot hyper, and not just when people visit . Some like humans, have anxiety all the time and CBD has been found to be incredibly helpful to calm them. CBD might be helpful for keeping your dog calm on a plane while traveling or when traveling long distance by car.

Paul says, almost all the articles about CBD on the internet talk about the ‘human endocannabinoid system‘ and how it plays a role in many bodily functions. Dogs have it too and CBD will similarly affect your dogs as it affects you – by binding to endocannabinoid receptors in their body. The deficiencies we all have – it’s kind of filling that void. The only difference is the ‘dosing’ and that depends on the size of the dog.

In short, here are a few symptoms that point to your dog’s anxiety and hyper activeness that CBD might help with:

  • Aggressive behavior
  • Lack of energy or too much energy
  • Inability to relax
  • Depression
  • Lack of Interest in their favorite activities
  • Not responding to their name
  • Abnormal behavior such as running around the room or spinning in circles
  • Panting
  • Excessive barking
  • Urinating or defecating in the house

Paul’s two Jack Russell Terriers  weigh about 15 pounds. He says his wife cuts a CBD treat in half and gives it to them at bedtime. Paul gives them a touch more when friends are coming over to visit, adding that the CBD dog Chews are 100% safe and a dog can’t overdose. Dogs love them. They taste like beef.

CBD is a big term, says Paul, and the market is crowded with lots of products out there not up to par on standards. Getting a high-quality product requires more effort than one can imagine. Although CBD is safe for your dog, a mislabeled CBD product can do more harm than good.

When shopping for for your pets CBD always make sure you buy top-quality hemp-derived CBD from a reputable brand that proves the quality through third-party labs test results like Primabee. Look for the ‘certificate of analysis’ on the CBD website you’re purchasing from. Its critical and says that the products have been  independently tested that what you’re being sold  is absolutely what you’re getting.

Paul Borde’ and Primabee CBD love their four-legged family members, so they’ve invested a ton of energy and time into learning how the famous hemp-derived compound can affect dogs. Everything you need to know is on their website here

Enjoy the great educational conversation about CBD and how it might help your dog.

I’m amazed at what CBD is helping with. I personally use the human Primabee CBD Sport Cream often. Works like a charm.

Primabee is  ‘best in class’ CBD.

Use my Discount Code DEBBIERADIO for 20% off your first order. Makes a great gift too.




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by Debbie

November 30, 2021

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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