I’ve had some very interesting experiences with psychics and psychic mediums throughout my life.

I’m always open-minded and do believe that some on this planet can see farther than the eye can see.

On more than one occasion, I’ve had a psychic contact me out of the blue for one reason or another. (vs me asking them to contact someone. LOL)

I probably haven’t seen Francine Tesler in over 20 years.

She’s a psychic medium and medical intuitive, best known as “the psychic, for people who don’t usually go to psychics”. She’s been making psychic predictions since she was 6 years old. She would see those that had passed on and shock everyone with her accuracy.

Something recently came into her head to call ME. So naturally she got in touch.

I was happy to hear from her as I remember having great affection for her. I Invited her to stop by the radio show to speak to a story I just read on Medium.com (which is not a site for Mediums rather a medium for writers to share their work with 100 million readers).

The story “Predictions for 2024 By Celebrity Psychics” said…” The year 2024 will be a time of awakening and alignment as more people will tune into their intuition and follow their soul’s purpose. This will create a positive ripple effect in the world, as people will be more authentic, compassionate, and creative.”

I’m all for anything positive on this planet and I have in fact noticed more people lately trying to find their true purpose.

So Francine came to the studio and I asked her one of my  signature questions I often ask guests on my show.

“How Does Your Head Work Inside?”.

Francine said, “I’m originally an artist by trade and I get images that like a slideshow and fragments and I hear things in my head. Yeah, but this week, my hair stands up on my arms. And it was like, you have to call Debbie. And I’m like, you know, reach out to her and I didn’t have your number. And that’s why I sent you the email and blah, blah, blah.”

“Why do you think you thought of me?”, I asked her.

“I think we’re meant to be connected again”.

I myself have been noticing a trend picking up since Covid, where people are now wanting to reconnect more.

Are you seeing a trend in that I asked her? 

“Yes. More happening with each month that passes this year”.

“More spirituality. People are starting to listen. I’m teaching. When I do my readings or when I do my message circles or my open galleries, I do teach and explain to people that they have to listen to their voice because everyone is psychic to some point.”


Being a Psychic Ain’t Easy…

“You know I actually didn’t know I was a medium until I had already been doing this probably for at least 10 years because I didn’t know the word for it  all those years ago. I’ve been doing this now full-time 40 years. When I first started, it wasn’t acceptable and people used to call me Madame Zaza or Grandma Strega, you know, Grandma Witch, and it was a really difficult time.”

“But you know what? I’m an artist. I found my own thing and I knew that I was getting these images and hearing things and seeing things and there was a reason. So I always gave people the messages. Now as I’m older, I deliver them a little bit more tactfully and make them more edible because I have a good sense of humor.”

“Everyone calls it the psychic Tourette’s. I go into the grocery store and I will walk over to people and say, look, I don’t want to bother you. I’m a psychic medium, blah, blah, blah. I got an impression. I’m told to tell you this. And then they look around for cameras. But I try to help people and give a message.”

I’ve always noticed people are a little weird when they’re around psychics. All they want to know is, what a psychic knows about them? They always want to talk about it. But most people don’t want to hear any bad stuff. I wondered how that has affected Francine’s personal life. 

“Do you have a personal life?”, I asked her.

“Not really. As far as my personal life goes, most guys are scared of it. They don’t even want to shake my hands believe it or not and you know either they come in and they try to challenge me to see what I know. You know I’m saying. but it’s hard when it comes to yourself. It’s hard to be objective. You know you know it is what it is.”

BUT, professionally men aren’t scared of Francine at all. She has a lot of male clients ( in addition to her female clients) that come to her for business consultations. Mostly by phone and Zoom. 

“Are you a business psychic?” I asked her, because I often joke that I’m a business psychic. LOL. I’m just highly intuitive when it comes to business. I know where the matches are. I know what people should do. I’m like, what do you mean you haven’t thought of that? I see opportunities for people, and I have some fun with that skill as a consultant.

Yes, Francine does help many businesses with her skills as a psychic. She’s also a medium, and a medical intuitive. She’s currently re-branding herself and her website.

It’s probably why she thought of me. She knows I love helping people rethink new opportunities for themselves.

Call Francine Tesler if you need her. Or who knows, she might call you. LOL

Meet Francine here on the podcast of our live conversation from The Debbie Nigro Show. If you’d rather read than listen the transcript of the audio is below.


Download This Episode!


And now back to the Debbie Nigro Show.

I am a legend in my own mind. I’m really not. You might be. It’s a funny line that everybody says, Oh, she’s a legend in her own mind. All right, so it’s Trending Tuesday. You know, the mind’s a funny thing.

I always like to ask people a signature question on my show that I haven’t asked in a while, but today’s a perfect time to do it to my next guest. But let me tell you my signature question that Bob always smiles when people start to answer. How does your head work inside? How does your head work inside? Because the one thing we don’t know about other people, looking at them, hanging out

them, we don’t know what’s really going on upstairs, right? So you’re going to meet in a second, Francine Tesler, who we just agreed, probably we haven’t seen each other in 20 or more years, and she’s in the studio today, old friend, psychic medium and medical intuitive, best known as the psychic, for people who don’t usually go to psychics. And oddly, something came in her head to call me. It’s always weird when a psychic wants to call you, except instead of the vice versa. Francine, good to have you.


Hi, Debbie. Thank you so much for having me.

We know each other, so as time has gone on, I see your face has become more beautiful.

Same with you.

And more confident. And it’s really nice to be back together again. We always stayed in my soul.

Same, same. There’s been so many times where I wanted to reach out and life got in the way.

Oh, life gets in the way. That’s a big one.

Yeah, but this week, my hair stands up on my arms. So I’m originally an artist by trade and I get images that like a slideshow and fragments and I hear things in my head. And it was like, you have to call Debbie. And I’m like, you know, reach out to her and I didn’t have your number. And that’s why I sent you the email and blah, blah, blah.

It was like, the people in my head were like, you got to get ahold of her.

Why do you think?

I don’t, I think we’re meant to be connected again.

Okay, and I was talking about how this is a time of the world where people are reconnecting after COVID. Are you seeing a trend in that? Yes. More happening with each month that passes this year?

More spirituality. People are starting to listen. I’m teaching. When I do my readings or when I do my message circles or my open galleries, I do teach and explain to people that they have to listen to their voice because everyone is psychic to some point.

I’ve heard that many times and some people just develop it more. It’s hard to put your head around that when you come out and say things like your mother has a message for you. You started getting messages, if I’m not mistaken, when you were a little girl from people who had passed. That’s how this whole life started for you or awareness

started. Well, when that happened, I didn’t realize I was a medium. I thought it was just people, you know, like I saw people and I thought I was like everyone else. How old were you? Maybe six.

That’s great. Okay, so you’re home and this happens. Yes. Who comes to you when you’re six years old? Do you remember?

There was an aunt that I had and she was a very vivaciously large, physically large woman and I used to call her Auntie Lap. And I said to my parents, Auntie Lap has a message. And they’re like, Auntie Lap is in heaven. They didn’t tell me she had passed. I’m like no she’s there, she’s sitting there, she wants you to be nice to uncle and they thought I was crazy. Yeah, you’re six. Yeah and what happened is basically they had a falling out with my uncle and then some stuff happened and then my

parents were like oh she was right but I didn’t understand it. Right. You know I actually didn’t know I was a medium until I had already been doing this probably for at least 10 years because I didn’t know the word for it because all those years ago, I’ve been doing this now full-time 40 years. So when I first started, it wasn’t acceptable and people used to call me Madame Zaza or Grandma Strega, you know, Grandma Witch, and it was a really difficult time.

Poor kid.

No, but you know what? I’m an artist. I found my own thing and I knew that I was getting these images and hearing things and seeing things and there was a reason. So I always gave people the messages. Now as I’m older, I deliver them a little bit more tactfully and make them more edible because I have a good sense of humor.

Yeah, thank goodness. And that’s what we share good sense of humor I always use humor to get attention for important stuff. You know when you were in school Growing up and you have this gift How did that play out in a school setting with friends and just teachers most of my friends were a lot older?

Okay, and I hung out with the teachers and what’s kind of more about myself I didn’t really have a lot of adult bonding of my age until I hit my 40s.

All because of the way your brain works inside.

Everyone calls it the psychic Tourette’s. I go into the grocery store and I will walk over to people and say, look, I don’t want to bother you. I’m a psychic medium, blah, blah, blah. I got an impression. I’m told to tell you this. And then they look around for cameras. But I try to help people and give a message.

Incredible. You still do that every day. Yes. See, I do the same thing. I have got talking Tourette’s, where I walk up to people and just start talking for no reason and going, hey, you look gorgeous today. I had a funny experience yesterday, just a sidebar. I had to go to New York City, so I was on the train, and as I was getting off, there

was just a guy dressed so nice. He just looked so beautiful. I said, listen, I just want to tell you, you look beautiful today. That’s a beautiful outfit. He said, well, thank you so much. And it really needed to be said, because he put himself together. And then I couldn’t shut up. There was a girl standing next to me about to get off and I liked your boots.

I’m like, I really love those boots. And I thought, you got to shut up. You have like talking to rats or something. So the end of the story is about, I don’t know, three hours later, I’m walking somewhere and a guy walks by me at a supermarket. I stopped to get like milk or something. And he goes, Hey, I love your outfit. It looks so cool. I go, he’s got it, too.

And I laughed. I true story. But, you know, we’re big personalities. You have more to say. I’m sure they’re more interested in your in your comments has anybody ever said to you I don’t want to know just don’t tell me all the time. Oh All the time or they’ll say to you. I only want to know the good stuff Don’t tell me anything bad. Is that something you can control yourself with um?

It’s it’s not about good or bad I’ll get a reference to something and then I’ll try to describe it and make it more user-friendly So because I’m very visually descriptive I get really funny images use it friendly. Because I’m very visually descriptive, I get really funny images. I dreamt my dad was pregnant for three months about 35 years ago. He was getting a C-section. They were dancing pickles.

I would call him and say, ìIs there anything wrong with your stomach?î He would say, ìNo.î After a couple of weeks, he’s like, ìWhat’s going on?î Well, I dreamt you were pregnant. Now my dad was in the police force and he was high ranking and he told me to go squash myself, obviously another word, hung up and then three weeks later he had a triple hernia, laparoscopic surgery.

He looked like he was pregnant. So I get a lot of convivialism.

That’s great. Did he say, I’m really sorry? I said, to you? Yeah, he said, you’re crazy. He couldn’t understand. I said I saw this image and every time I would see him. I would see heat like an infrared camera It’s not an exact science like I’m not God I’m not a doctor

But I could see something like around somebody’s chest area thinking it’s asthma and it could be something else it could be acid reflux

You call yourself a medical into yes people come to you to say what’s going on with me or do they rather not know? I mean this is a very heavy thing that you’re able to see and do. They’ll come to me to see what I

have to say and then I’ll say to them look I see this you know I see heat here you have to look at this you have to look at that change in medicine you know

go back to the doctor and again it’s not an exact science. I wanted to address the article you heard me say earlier in the show, which I found on Medium.com, because I was just looking at trends. I knew you were stopping in today, and I’m thinking, how can we tie this into what’s going on? There are more people, this is a 2024 trend, tuning into their purpose. This is all the predictions from the celebrity psychics, which I read a lot of them. Some of them I didn’t want to hear what they had to say because it was doomsday.

But this year, 2024, according to one, will be a time of awakening and alignment as more people will tune into their intuition and follow their soul’s purpose. This will create a positive ripple effect in the world as people will be more authentic, compassionate and creative. I was thinking, boy, I hope so. That would be a great trend, right? So what do you have to say to that?

I do agree because right now there’s a global and spiritual ascension. People are waking up realizing, wait a minute, I had a dream yesterday of this happening and then it does so my purpose is When I do my readings or when I do my events is to teach people to listen to that because 99% of the time the first vibe is the right one where animals and You know instinctively, you know your hair stands up on your arms if you’re on a street and it’s dark, it could be a warning. For me, it’s confirmation. It’s also spirit energy and things like that, but we hear things, dreams, deja vus.

All of those things are part of the big picture. Now, should everyone be practicing psychic? No. We can all learn how to play the piano. We’re not going to all be virtuosos.

So you brought me something today as a present. I’m very flattered that you thought to bring me something lovely. And it happens to be a jade, a piece of jade, like on a little necklace string. And it looks almost like an old tip of a sword. It is. From like the ancient times.

Because you’re a warrior.

Oh, I am a warrior. And you brought a little book. And I love stones and gems. Ever since I was a little girl, I collected them. And my granddaughter is big into stones.

I didn’t know that. See, I must be psychic.

And my granddaughter, also collecting stones and gems, she always shows me her latest rock and has had some nightmares lately. And my daughter was smart enough to take her back to the stone store, the gem store, and get asked the guy, you know, what are the stones she can wear in a bracelet that keep her from having these nightmares, getting rid of that mean man. So ever since she’s been wearing the bracelet, she’s sleeping better. How cute is this? She’s five.

So, yeah, this is Jade, and you said you gave me the book. Jade occurs in the form of jadeite, nephrite, and transvial. Jade, Aries, Gemini, Taurus, and Libra vibrates to number 11, my favorite number. The dream stone, fidelity, breastplate, dream-solving, remembering many Mayan elders’ rituals, ceremonies, knowledge, sovereign of harmony, spirit world access. Dreams do come true. Release limitations, limitless achievements, self-assurance, sufficiency, reliance, disorders of heart, hips, kidneys, and spleen. So I’m protected, and this is going to help me out. I like the symbolism of this, and I like the symbolism of wearing something that protects you. I’ve been through cancer twice, and I had a very important symbolic

thing, two things that I wore. One, if you’ll see around my neck, is a Celtic cross that was given to me by Cardinal Dolan of New York and blessed by Cardinal Dolan that I felt like, wow, am I powered up or what? That got me through breast cancer. You know, there’s a connection, mind-body, right? So I believed it. You believe…

And then I had one prior that was even wilder. I don’t know if it’s wilder, but comparably impressive. I was given a pin by a dear friend who has since passed Kathy she had a travel company Kathy’s travels and she knew I was going through ovarian cancer And she gave me a pin blessed by Mother Teresa that Mother Teresa actually gave her the pin like hello blessed Mother Teresa So I pinned it inside my bra To get through ovarian cancer, and I had to give it back to her when it was done Made it through because we needed to pay it forward.

What power in hopefulness that gave me? You know, we’re all just looking for hope, right? I’m a dealer in hope over here and so far that’s still legal, right, to be a dealer in hope? So you are too.


Yeah, and I will treasure this. Thank you very much. I appreciate the thought. So people are weird when they’re around psychics. All they want to know is like, what do you know? Like they always want to talk about it? How has that affected your personal life? But do you have a personal life?

Not really most guys are scared of it. They don’t even want to shake my hands believe it or not and You know either they come in and they try to challenge me to see what I know You know I’m saying, but it’s hard when it comes to yourself. It’s hard to be objective So but you know you know it is what it is.

I think women, from what I’ve read, are way more receptive to someone with your gifts than men are. Am I correct?

Actually, no. Oh, really? I have a lot of male clients. I do business, I mostly phone and Zoom with them, so I do a lot of business consultations.

Are you a business psychic? Because I joke around that I’m a business psychic, but I’m just highly intuitive when it comes to business. I know where the matches are. I know what people should do. I’m like, what do you mean you haven’t thought of that? I see things and I have some fun with that and I try and make some money doing that as a consultant. I go, you know what you should, how do you do it?

Well, I’m a psychic, medium, medical intuitive, but now I’m in the process of rebranding and changing my website and everything.

See, look what happened here you need to do. I put up your website on Facebook and after I talked about you and your picture didn’t come up even though it should have come up right here.

Oh, that’s interesting. Oh, that’s because it’s being redone right now. I’m having everything, I have everything being overhauled right now. So basically I’m a life, health and business strategist. That’s the new part of the trends for me.

And just to remind people who might be listening right now, Francine Tesler. What’s your website? FrancineTesler.com?

Yes, with one S. All right.

And we’ll put up where Francine’s going to be in the local area so that people know she may be coming to your area. Check the Debbie Nigro Show page and I will have… It’s actually DebbieNigro.com. When you see the podcast of our conversation, we’ll be up there as well as some of the locations she’ll be showing up. So I’m going to thank you so much for joining me, Francine Tesler. And we continue on with our Trending Tuesday here on the Debbie Nigro Show.

And we continue on with our Trending Tuesday here on the Debbie Nigro Show. And we continue on with our Trending Tuesday here on the Debbie Nigro Show.

Transcribed with Cockatoo


by Debbie

March 15, 2024

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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