DEBSERVATION: To have had a great father was to have been given a gift. I was one of the lucky ones. I’m so sad for all the children who were robbed of this present. (And I hope all the sh*tty fathers on the planet past present and future have sh*tty things happen to them here on earth and beyond.)


My Dad Who Built Roads Once Told Me – 

“Don’t Forget the little driveways on the way to the big highways.”

Translated: You can shoot for the stars but make sure you keep the smaller steadier things going that pay the bills.

He also told me “Always make sure you have good credit!”

What was Your Father’s Advice to You? I’d really love to know. I’m gathering the answers which I will publish. Email me: 

My Dad Died Young But Not Before He Was Inducted Into The Very First Mt. Vernon (NY) High School Hall Of Fame with Dick Clark, Art Carney, Author E.B White, Writer Producer Susan Harris, and more. It was one of his proudest moments, and ours.

My father John Nigro, was a Businessman and a Humanitarian. He served in Europe in WWII with the intelligence Division of the Military Police and became a successful entrepreneur without any formal education. He founded one of the largest road building companies in NY at the time and was a generous supporter of many charitable and civic organizations. I loved going to work with him and learned a lot in his office from when I was 9 until I was 19. ‘Big John’ was a big guy with a big personality and an even bigger heart, and a champion of women before it was cool. Because of him I thought I could become anything! But women could not rise in the construction industry back then because it was a man’s world, so I was the first in my big Italian family to go off to college where I majored in Communications. My Dad made it to my graduation but passed away soon after. He struggled with huge weight related health issues caused by diabetes, and that big heart failed him at the age of 55. He’s been with me ‘in spirit’ every day since, and this Father’s Day I dug out these photos of my Mom and I with him getting that award that made him so proud and made for a beautiful but bittersweet memory today. And sharing the stage with Dick Clark who got the same award? Priceless!

SPEAKING OF DYING YOUNG… I caught this headline this week in the NY Post.

US LIVES ARE GETTING SHORTER Study: 77 yrs average.

I think about how young my Dad was when he passed (55) and MY younger brother Stephen (40) and my other younger brother John (56) and my Mom (76) and I really try not to think too hard about what that means for me the ‘last man standing’ in my immediate family. And yes it’s weird to look at this picture and know they’re all gone. And yes it hurts always. (And, Yes I had dark hair then so no I’m not a natural blond. Trust me not many are.)

New research finds that since the 50’s US life Expectancy has fallen far behind other countries Even Americans with healthy behaviors. According to the research published in the American Journal of Public Health. Another great argument for why you should Risk ‘It’ or Regret ‘It’ now before it’s too late! (Whatever IT is for you).

Here’s the link to the story I caught in the NY Post. US LIVES ARE GETTING SHORTER Study: 77 yrs average.

My Father was My Best Pal and a Good Friend to Many. 

He loved a certain poem that our family decided to share on the thank you card to everyone who showed us they cared after he passed away. The words seem just as loud now as they were in 1982 when he passed.

I hope you take a moment to read “Everyone Needs Someone.”


Cheers to All The Great Fathers Out There This Fathers Day. You know who you Are!

With Warmth,


PS If you need me, I’m always happy to lend an ear for free for 15 minutes to see if I can help you forward with something or someone I know. Some would call me a ‘consultant’ but honestly, I like the words advisor, mentor, guide, expert, and specialist better. I can help you create some great content you can use in the media for your own purpose, help you with pr ideas, help you with your next move, and help you with my connections. Email me:








by Debbie

June 16, 2023

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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  1. Great tribute to your beloved dad. He was a giant of a man and so loved. Looks like you have followed in his footsteps Deb!!! Xoxo

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