For A Better Time On This Planet Your Body Has To Keep Moving! 

Personal Trainer Donna Deraffele was a young Mom exercising in her Aunts basement when she first started watching other exercise intructors on TV and thought to herself…I can do that! So she risked it. Donna went and got certified and now decades later women of all ages are still lining up for her exercise classes at HealthyFit the the women’s gym in Mamaroneck, NY. They call her the ‘OG’!

Lots of young dynamos and plenty of 50+ women will be living longer and healthier because of Donna who says, “You’ve got to keep your body moving in order to stay healthy and avoid unnecessary injuries.”

Donna agrees girls who become women need to ‘adjust’ their exercise moves not to get hurt doing the same exercises they’ve done all their lives. (No kidding. I sprained a ligament on a backward lunge and haven’t been able to workout for a month and a half? Ridiculous !)

Good stuff today featured on my Wellness Wednesday radio broadcast turned podcast for those who missed it. The wellness information and nuggets of knowledge shared on the show are always timely and useful. Enjoy our conversation.

Wellness Wednesday on The Debbie Nigro Show is sponsored by HealthyFit a full service health club serving women in Westchester County NY and Southern CT. But the information shared is for women everywhere to benefit from.



by Debbie

August 18, 2022

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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