I’m a Fashion Icon. Was just a matter of time before Vogue caught on. They just reported on the trend of the younger generation aspiring to look like funky dressing older babes. Older people trying to dress younger has always been a thing. But younger people trying to dress older? Yes! Now all my crazy clothing combos are IN. Because Vogue says so, and Tik Tok says so, and I say so.

There’s a Grandma fashion trend happening on Tik Tok and they ain’t just ‘playin’ dress up. According to the article I caught in Vogue, “Don’t Call Them Grandmas, The Enduring Appeal of The Senior Fashion Icons”, young people are now idolizing the older style generation and trying to copy us. Too funny.

Trending on Tik Tok are both the ‘Coastal Grandma’ look and the ‘Fancy Grandma’ style. Though not everybody older likes or fits the Grandmas title, Vogue described the trend as, allowing oneself to be divorced from all trends and external influences. We ‘Seenagers’ (Senior Teenagers) call it not giving a crap what anyone else thinks about what we’re wearing.

NO RULES. Hello we make up the rules. Luckily for me, that Grandma look is tied to ‘vintage’ fashion which is pretty much all I have in my closet. (Basically old sh*t that I keep mixing and matching in new ways.)

I decided to have some fun with this inter -generational fashion trend so I lugged half a closet full of my stuff, and drove to my buddy Charlies house where we record our comedy improv podcast called ‘The Official Seenagers’.

I wanted to make our new younger podcast pal Comedienne Luz Michelle model my clothes to see if she looked cool in them. The idea was this. First I wear my outfit, then I she wears my same outfit, and Charlie’s job is to take a photo of us both in the same outfit. Then make a fun montage or a video or whatever. Was laughing driving there just thinking about it.

As I’m walking into Charlies house with 400 lbs of clothes, belts, earrings, etc. I yell through a belly laugh, so where’s the best lighting? Charlie says, “Nowhere”. Then he points the hanging beads with the Grateful Dead artwork covering the doorway to his bedroom. Perfect.

I figured Luz who’s a professional comedienne would find this hysterical. Instead she’s trying to explain to me, while I’m organizing ‘outfits’ at warp speed and whipping off my clothes and handing them to her, this is ‘out of her comfort zone’. Like I got time for this.

I told her ‘she’d get over it’. And did she ever! What laughs we had, and wait until you see how cool LUZ looks in my fancy funky Grandma clothes. She LOVED the clothes on her, and now aspires to the Funky Grandma look herself. By the way, I call it the ‘Funky Grandma’ look, not Vogues’ word. Because I say so and because I make the rules around here.  (Me left and Luz on the right below)


Oh and there’s also the ‘Funky Charlie’ look which may or may not catch on.



Meanwhile…Timing on our older style fashion themed show was perfect, as the very same day 81 year old Martha Stewart wearing ‘nothing’ but an Apron, appeared in a video hawking Green Mountain Coffee. She sure made me laugh and inspired us older babes to know we can have a cup of whatever the hell we want wearing whatever the hell we want. Thanks Martha!

Meanwhile don’t ya think Martha should jump right on a line of sexy aprons? She’d kill it.

(Check her out on Instagram marthastewart48 /paid partnership with Green Mountain Coffee)

by Debbie

September 22, 2022

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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