Anybody out there admit to using swear words in their private lives besides me? If yes, according to research we are ‘verbally superior’ people! That’s refreshing news eh? Funny, in all the years I’ve talked ‘on the air’ in the radio business, I’ve never once slipped a bad word! Never. Shocking to me actually considering how fast I roll and the sheer number of words that come out of my mouth daily as a professional ‘talker’. Especially shocking since I talk on the airwaves exactly the way I do off the air…just minus the few swear word ’embellishments’. I guess I’ve perfected the art of the ‘swear self edit’ LOL.

‘Off air’ though I do consider myself a ‘lady’ and act accordingly, I seem to have no problem finding great use for salty words to help me embellish and express myself. Honestly, the way most people use profanity nowadays in relaxed conversation so fluidly, they don’t even feel like swear words anymore. The naughty words just sorta flow into some sentences like they belong there. To clarify I’m talking about personal friendly cursing done among friends and other close cursers and accidentally and regretfully sometimes in front of children. NOT blurting out curse words in inappropriate situations and locations like work, church or Bed Bath & Beyond. Got it? That said, I think somebody should ‘legalize’ swear words used for fun and personal expression and just take the guilt off everybody. WTF? Right?

Especially now in this time of madness and insanity in the world, I think it would really be comforting to just be able to open the windows and everybody just yell out a giant WTF at the top of their lungs and bond. I know there are people who won’t like the idea at all who will swear they don’t swear and some I’ll believe, but I swear I know some of them will be lying. We private cursers know things.

I came across some news today that will make you feel better about yourself and maybe even proud to be a curser. CNN Health reported that research has found cursing to be a sign of intelligence! Holy Shi…noli that’s exciting.

Cursing may also be a sign of honesty, and ‘cussing’ they say is a sign of creativity too! Plus cursing they’ve found is a pain reliever and who couldn’t use a more natural pain reliever? I’ll take an Fbomb over an Advil anyday. I’ll add that piece of information did come with a warning label not to ‘over curse’ on medical issues or that pain relief thing won’t work.

“What makes the use of naughty words so powerful? The power of the taboo, of course. That reality is universally recognized: Just about every language in the world contains curse words.” according to CNN health. They added…and it’s not only people who curse! Ha! Ha!

More fun findings about ‘cussing’ here below in this link from CNN Health by Sandee LaMotte.
Why swearing is a sign of intelligence, helps manage pain and more



by Debbie

January 27, 2021

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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  1. You f'ing nailed it, Debbie! Why has no one talked about this? I vote for lifting the ban! With common sense and within reason, of course.

    I laughed through most of that post, and needed it!!

    Love, your soul sister!

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