This Is My Personal Pandemic Pro Writing Pivot! If You Know Me You Know The Size Of My Sense of Humor Is Commensurate With My Number Of Hard Knocks…Off The Freakin Charts! LOL . I always use humor to share important information and today I’m excited to share my article “Dying of Laughter Could Keep You Alive” and how it’s kept me alive. I was excited that Infamous Magazine Editor Lesley Jane Seymour Founder of CoveyClub, thought enough of it to publish it. I hope you read it because I’m passionate my message is a strong one especially now. Plus you’ll laugh too. It’s exciting for me to be published by such a pro like Lesley Jane Seymour, who did her Editor magic at a multitude of famous magazines (MORE, Redbook, Marie Clare, Vogue) and I’m inspired to continue on my new professional writing adventure. Truthfully I’ve mostly just written for myself and my radio listeners but as part of my personal pandemic pivoting I wanted to really see if I had the chops to write outside my comfort zone to reach more people with my message. For me this is part of my pandemic ‘silver lining’ reinvent that I may not have gotten to otherwise. Lesley’s Covey Club is all about supporting and aggregating bright women from around the world who are reinventing. I invited Lesley to join me on The Debbie Nigro Show  so I could thank her and also so you can meet her and hear about this cool club she’s created that might be for you.

Lesley Jane Seymour




LINK TO MY ARTICLE On COVEY CLUB…/dying-of-laughter-humor-in-pan…/


Download This Episode!

by Debbie

September 26, 2020

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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