My shark guy Dr. Gregory Skomal is as famous as the Great White Sharks he tags for The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy. I call him ‘my shark guy’ because for years he’s made sure to be on my radio show every year during ‘Shark Week’ to share his latest shark science findings, and because we always have a lot of fun on the air together. It’s become ‘a thing’. 

The Atlantic White Shark Conservancy is the region’s leading white shark research non-profit organization. Since 2013, they’ve provided funding and resources for the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries’ studies, led by state marine biologist Dr. Greg Skomal, to get a more accurate picture of shark movements.

Dr. Gregory Skomal (Left in the photo below) is the star of many many Shark Week shows, and you’ve also probably seen him all over the news recently reporting on the increase of shark sightings and shark attacks near the shores on the East Coast. (Relaxing eh?) So happens the day Good Morning America jumped on board a boat with him for a shark story live from Ryders Cove, on the Cape of Massachusetts, ‘my CBD guy’ was right there. Yes I have a “CBD guy too and truly what are the chances ? Lol.

That’s Primabee CBD Founder Paul Borde ( on the right). I’m helping him expand his best in class CBD products into unique locations. Paul happens to live right where this news story was being shot so he ended up going down and speaking with both Dr. Greg Skomal and the ABC News Meteorologist Ginger Zee. They were preparing to go out on Greg’s boat. 

Paul knows Greg’s ‘my shark guy’ so he mentioned to Greg they had me in common. That’s alway good for a chuckle. Greg thanked Paul reminding him it was ‘that time again’ for him to give me a call. He always gives me and my audience the inside dirt on what’s really going on with the sharks out there.

So he called, and yes we had a few laughs of course but more important he shared the ‘shark scoop’. Truly an enlightening conversation about the reasons behind the increase in shark activity. Enjoy the podcast of our chat.

BTW: regarding the awesome GMA video segment they shot that day,  all I want to say is that ABC Ginger Zee is a better woman than me for going shark tagging.




by Debbie

August 8, 2022

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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