The folks at Grand Central Station In NYC are looking to brighter times ahead! Throughout the love month of February they’re asking people to write a letter expressing their love to New York and they’re featuring these letters on their  ‘virtual wall’.  I decided to contribute. I spent many years working in, partying in, and running in and out of NYC but not since the pandemic. There’s no denying NYC is unique, and how I navigated it all these years was kind of unique too as evidenced by my personal ‘Love Letter To NYC’

Dear NYC,

Do you miss my good energy? I miss yours!

I miss running late for the train and apologizing to fellow riders for putting on makeup in front of them.

I miss entering the great halls of Grand Central Terminal from suburbia and going from zero to ‘Mach 1’ in sync with everybody else going somewhere fast.

I miss walking 10,000 steps a day past a wonderland of storefronts wearing painfully wrong shoes.

I miss meetings with other humans with electric ideas and I miss the electricity that lights up the city nights on your electric bill not mine Thank God. 

I miss changing like Superman in fancy hotel bathrooms, bonding with random taxi drivers and cocktail chatting with curious strangers from around the world.

Having made it in NY thanks to you, I’m sure I can make it anywhere.

I will always be in awe of you.


Debbie Nigro


by Debbie

February 17, 2021

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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