Are you a fan of ABC’s Shark Tank? Me Too. Today you’ll meet the only Shark Tank contestant to ever be punched in the face by another contestant. LOL. That alone is a good story to tune in for but I invited Matt Franklin to join me because I love that he created an online class on how to successfully audition for Shark Tank. “It’s the ultimate insider’s guide from someone who’s actually been there” says Matt.

Matt’s got some really cool stories including how he sadly had to turned down an offer from Mark Cuban (who he loves) because Mark wanted too much equity. (Dontcha hate that?) In spite of not walking away from the show with a Shark deal, Matt walked off a winner as the TV exposure blew up his ‘posture product’ website and he succeeded anyway.

Matt’s a likable guy and he’s proven businesswise along the way that likeability can be more important than talent in business. He tells young entrepreneurs one of the most important tools they have in their business arsenal is their smile.

Right now, Matt’s ‘pre-tired’ but his current passion is helping self-employed people with retirement planning. Matt says, “I have a pretty large network of entrepreneur friends and it’s amazing how bad most of us self-employed people are at retirement planning and investing. (Understatement.)

Self-employed people seem to always be working on trying to build their business in the now, but fail to think about taking care of themselves when they reach their golden years. His podcast is called “The Rogue Retirement Lounge It can be found on all the major podcast platforms.

Fun & Interesting Interview If You’ve Got 15 Minutes.

Download This Episode!

by Debbie

March 23, 2021

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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