I’m an Expert at Showing ‘Experts’ How To Shine In The Media; On The Radio, In Podcasts, via Social Media and in Business In General. I’m great at ‘creative content that breaks you through the clutter’ and ‘strategic match introductions’ that take you and your business further. (Plus I’m fun to work with if I may say so myself – info@debbienigro.com)

However, when it comes to booking you as an ‘Expert’ on TV … Frank Cipolla’s your guy!

Frank Cipolla Gets ‘Experts’ On TV (and Radio). He’ll Train You Too.

You might be the best attorney in town, the best physician, the best of anything but if you don’t know how to convey that to the viewing audience all is lost.

Being on TV is a ‘performance’. How you sit. How you stand. What you do with your hands and face, even the colors you wear make a difference. Ever watch a TV commercial, YouTube video or anyone on camera and ask, ‘What the heck was he or she thinking’?

Here’s a fun fact. The Average American has an attention span of 20 seconds. (Same as how long you’re supposed to wash your hands) Something to keep in mind when you’re trying to share your message in any media.

Frank Cipolla knows all the moves and all the right people in the media business. He’s been a Radio & TV Reporter around NY & NJ for years. His company ‘Contacts Media’ creates ‘Guest Placement’ opportunities for all kinds of people around the country whose expert insights are always in demand from the networks. People like lawyers, doctors, financial experts, real estate experts, cyber security experts, education experts, medical experts, credit experts, you name it!

People who are great at what they do, go to Frank who’s great at what he does. Getting people on the air! I know Frank a long time. I’ve booked his clients, and sent him clients that I thought he could help better than I could.

Check out the podcast of our live conversation on The Debbie Nigro Show and feel free to give Frank a shout out if you want to get booked as the guest “Expert” in your field on TV when the media needs you.

Connect with Frank Cipolla : Contacts@ContactsMedia.com

Tell him Debbie sent you, he’ll like that 🙂



by Debbie

September 30, 2022

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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