Ever feel like you’re stuck in a loop of I’ll do it tomorrow? You’re not alone! On this week’s Wellness Wednesday episode of The Debbie Nigro Show, we tackled procrastination and the sneaky ways we self-sabotage—especially when it comes to fitness, confidence, and transformation.
My fabulous guest, Danita Young, is a transformational coach and cognitive performance expert who knows a thing or two (or a thousand!) about helping people break free from limiting beliefs. From starting as a personal trainer to becoming a national bikini competitor, to creating Booty Bands (yes, you read that right!), she’s been on a mission to help women in particular, step into their unstoppable selves.
Why Do We Procrastinate?
Danita spilled the truth: It’s not just about motivation—it’s about mindset. Most of us carry around beliefs we’ve absorbed from society, family, and the media that whisper, You can’t do this. But guess what? That’s a lie! She teaches women to track their subconscious beliefs and shift their mindset from self-doubt to unstoppable confidence.
Can You Really Transform at Any Age?
One of my favorite moments? When Danita shared the story of Joan, who started her fitness journey at 75 and now, at 80, has the best body of her life. Proof that transformation is possible at any age—as long as you believe it is.
The Magic Formula to Overcoming Stress & Procrastination
Danita offers a free masterclass that delivers five powerful steps to break free from stress, anxiety, and procrastination. She doesn’t believe in fluff—just straight-to-the-point, actionable strategies to help you stop waiting and start winning.
Let’s Talk Booty Bands!
Of course, we had to chat about her Booty Bands—the simple but genius fitness tool trusted by over 85,000 women. Whether you’re working out at home or on the go, these bands help sculpt and tone your body in just 15 minutes a day. And yes, I promised her I’d actually start using mine! (I know they’re around here somewhere!)
Listen to the Full Interview!
If you’re ready to ditch procrastination, shift your mindset, and finally take action on your goals, this is an episode you don’t want to miss. Listen to my full conversation withDanita Young right here and check out her free masterclass at AlignWithDanita.com. If you’d rather read than listen the audio transcript is below.
Because who doesn’t want to feel unstoppable?!
And now, back to the Debbie Nigro Show.
Alright, I’m a legendary procrastinator. Anybody out there feel me? I don’t know what it is about procrastinating certain things. I’m trying to get better, but goodness knows we all need help. So welcome to my Wellness Wednesday show of the week. I’m Debbie Nigro with my guest now. Joining me, Donita Young, who is going to help. She promises she knows something we don’t know about helping us get out of that procrastination thing. She’s a transformational coach, cognitive Cognitive performance expert live from Utah. I love Utah. Hi, Danita. Hi Debbie. How are you?
Good to have you. Yeah, Utah. Very good. Lot of good air out there fresh air fresh air. Oh, yeah Mountain we got that Zion National Park. We got Cran Canyon. We got the red red mountain No, we got all that We got all that. So you’re cool. I was reading all about your kind of path to now, but you can share with everybody. I know you invented the booty bands, which I thought it was a wonderful way to get people’s
attention for what you are great at, which is showing them how to do stuff to get in shape quicker and not in lots of time. But your whole life has been about showing people how to do better, stop procrastinating, get rid of the stress, mostly in fitness?
Yeah, it started in fitness for sure. Yeah, it started off as just a personal trainer and then went into the national qualified bikini competitor world and then opened up the business. And by being a business owner, you start to kind of really get into
understanding how to make people successful. And specifically, I was working with women. And the word of transformation came down to consistency for me, right? So that procrastination of like, why women were doing this? Why were we based on sabotaging their own efforts?
Because it’s just, I, yeah, truly, like it didn’t matter how perfect I got their macros on their meal plan or how perfect I made their workout plan. Like it didn’t matter all that it always came back down to That self-sabotage so yeah, that was that was my big realization Well, can I ask you a question because you’ve talked to I’m sure you know hundreds and hundreds of women
Do most of them have trouble breaking free from there the thinking that they’re in that they can be The way they really hope they could be?
You mean more like what you mean by that?
Okay, when you’re talking about breaking free from limiting beliefs, I wonder how many women really don’t believe they can actually transform the way they see that picture in their head. Yeah, actually it is.
So what I do is I track and measure their progress with it.
So we all have a subconscious and that subconscious runs 95% of us, right? And so when we can rate our beliefs on a one to 10 scale and we can, the first answer that comes up is going to be your subconscious. So let your subconscious speak, don’t overthink it. And when you look back at your beliefs and you’re like, hmm, my worthiness, is that a five? Good enough, is that a two?
Feeling maybe confident, is that a six? Feeling like I’m in my purpose, is that a seven? And feeling like I’m aligned with my gifts and talents, I guess that’s kind of back with purpose, but maybe just feeling free, right? And when you look at those numbers,
what you find out is, in fact, we all are 10, but it just depends on what we’ve absorbed along the way to something we’ve learned to be, but not who we truly are. And so you go back and you actually think about, what are the chords of the past?
Because our beliefs are not our beliefs. They are absorbed from society, they’ve been absorbed through the magazines, they’ve been absorbed through our parents, they’ve been absorbed through our parents, teachers, mothers, kids, you know, everything.
And so we get to stop for a moment and go, I’m living a life in these limiting beliefs that are lies in my own head that’s not allowing me to become the unstoppable version I’m really meant to be.
So if you point…
I can’t get out of my head while you… Listen, I want to just stop you for a second. I can’t get out of my head while we’re having this whole intelligent conversation that you are a bikini model. And the reason I say that is because I do think a lot of women measure their life path by the time they stopped wearing a bikini, or they thought they should stop wearing a bikini.
I actually found an article I wrote the other day about this bikini walk in my 40s, and I’m not in my 40s anymore. When you look at fitness, and women in particular look at fitness and what they’re hoping to become, a lot of the private stuff is, wow, I’d like to have that flat stomach again like I did back when I wore a bikini. I know that’s a really shallow point to bring to this conversation, but I think what you’re
trying to say is whether it’s that thought or any other thought about what’s possible, as long as you know it’s possible, you can still accomplish it. You just need some help from someone like you. Is that kind of where I’m going?
Yeah, the reality is when we lose hope is where you lose the mission to actually keep going, right? And so there’s only two states we can be in at a time. You’re either stagnant, survival, staying the same, not growing, we’re living basically in the past, or we’re living the other version, which is thriving, or we’re living more for excitement of the future and the possibilities because the future is full of unknowns Full of opportunities for all possibilities. So why would you sell yourself short saying I can’t fit into those clothes again?
Or because of my age I can’t do it Well, that’s what that’s actually a proven life a woman in belief that oh, I can’t get back to the body I’ve had I’ve had a lot of women be able to get back to a better body Than what they’ve ever had back in high school because I mean the answer is are you able to still build muscle?
How long can people still build muscle? Till the end of time?
Yeah, it gets harder and harder as we age, but depending on where you’re at, we can always build muscle. That’s why you see these women that are 75, 80 years old. I don’t know if you’ve seen Joan, working out with Joan. She’s one of the walking, breathing examples. She didn’t start her journey until 75,
and now she’s 80, and she has the best body she’s ever had.
I love that.
Who is she working out with, Joan? Yeah, you gotta check her out.
I’m gonna check her out. That’s fine.
That’s fine to know.
Let me see if I can find her really quick. That’s okay, I’ll find her.
Okay. This is about you right now you you put up on your website aligned with denita.com That you have a free masterclass that you give that gives five powerful steps to break free from anxiety Stress and procrastination to feel unstoppable again. It’s free the class and What can people expect?
There’s no bullshit and just I get rid of all the fluff I go right into it so you can really become your unstoppable confident version of yourself. Why wait?
Okay, so now this is free and then obviously after you do this free, you hopefully get clients from this. Is that how you sort of give your free gift and then hopefully create business?
Yeah, some people are able to take those steps away and say, hey, I’m good and that’s the thing I needed to get me where I needed to go and others say hey, you know I’m actually looking for more of a course. I’m looking for to join your five-week program and Go through your your inner circle and get some accountability with it Hold my hand through this and really show me that I can become unstoppable I’ll prove it. Oh, I like it. I like what you’re presenting. I I know that
even the best of confident people are lacking in certain areas of their life. And I imagine you fill a void and have been very good at it. I like your way and I like that you help people build what you call unshakable confidence and self-worth and get their goals with ease and flow and break free from their limiting beliefs and uncover their purpose and passion. So the showing them how is what most people need and you seem to have figured this out.
When did you know you had the magic model, if you will?
Oh, let’s see.
The time I knew that I had the magic model was by doing my podcast. I was speaking to hormone experts, financial experts, weight loss experts, and when I kept hearing the same phrase over and over and over again, it was, you could work 80 hours a week, but if you aren’t feeling in your alignment, you’re gonna go in the wrong direction
and make very costly mistakes. Or for hormones, you could do all the hormone replacement therapy you want, but if you’re stressed out, your hormones are gonna always be imbalanced. Or if you could fix all your digestion you want
with all the supplements that you want to do, but if you’re nervous system’s stuck in a state of fight or flight, you’re always going to be stuck in digestive problems. And that was the aha moment for me is when I took myself from homeless to now the level of success I’m at today.
If I knew I could do it, I for sure could take others. And I just started working one-on-one with people. And it has been the most beautiful experience to take a woman that has, you know, rock bottom, doesn’t believe in herself, limiting belief, all type of stuff, and I ask her, how does
it feel?
And she goes, get out of my way. I’m ready. I’m ready to conquer.
I’m like, yes, there she is.
Welcome home.
That’s great. Words are powerful. Words are very powerful and they can change people’s lives. And it only takes one person like yourself, Danita Young, to say the right things or guide people to make a change that makes you feel, changes their life and makes you feel like your life is worthwhile here on this planet.
Tell me about being homeless because that’s always painful for me to hear that somebody had that experience.
Yeah, I mean, I think we all go through different versions of rock bottom and so I’m not to say that my rock bottom is any grander or whatever, but for me it was losing everything, things, selling my car, taking out my 401k, you know, really just get a place in my business eight years ago and just fighting for everything, fighting for to keep this thing alive as an entrepreneur, you recognize you go to work, and you might not get paid that day, you actually find out that you actually lose money that day. And it was the greatest thing I went through.
And we in the rock bottom moments, it’s not the greatest thing during that moment, but when we get to look back and go, who have I become because of my rock bottom? And so if somebody is in their rock bottom, I just want you to know that’s your story. It’s your comeback story.
So homeless is where I’ve come from. You know, having to prove myself to get here, I don’t have to prove it anymore. I can now find myself in a place of balance and that things can be with ease. And it’s just a different way of living.
But unfortunately not everyone is at that space. And I’m excited to help as many people that are ready to give that hope and truth back into themselves so they really live the life and purpose they’re meant to do. Each one of us have a gift.
I love comebacks too. Yeah, I love comeback stories. Yeah, and I have been in those places, not homeless, but you know, where I’ve lost everything and like, wow, that’s painful. You know, what rock bottom looks like for everybody is different, but it takes a while
for your brain to wrap your head around a way out. But here you are. I want to talk just for a second. Can we move over to your booty bands? I love them and I love the website. Sculpt and Tone, your best body in just 15 minutes a day.
Like who doesn’t have 15 minutes and apparently trusted by over 85,000 women. To your credit, congratulations. Congratulations. I love the simplicity of what I think I see on your little app with the workouts. And you also give people a whole array of products to create a home gym that are very beautiful and pink and green and purple and everything from barbells to…
It’s just wonderful. But I’m fascinated with this little booty band, I guess you call it TV, little features, 15-minute workouts. How do people get those, because those are cool?
Yeah, so, bootybands.com, I am the original founder of that company, patented those booty bands, and then it turned into the complete home gym. So, I didn’t want to just sell a product, I wanted to be able to show individuals how easy these can be done, especially with
not only knee pain, hip pain, ankle problems, what have you, back problems, is always from underdeveloped glutes. And so by putting on that booty band allows us to get stronger glutes and allows us to have a lot better form
as we’re working through the other workouts. And so that’s your foundation. And who doesn’t want a more lifted, round-shaped, fuller booty? So it’s a great product that has worked three areas of the glutes.
And it’s a little soft band that you can take with you. You can throw it into your gym bag when you go to the gym or you can have it as an at-home. It’s very versatile. Very cool.
I love the workout.
It’s terrific. I have those bands. I drive them around. My car is very, very nice and tight, but my butt, well, I should probably use them better. What’s going on with your podcast? What’s going on with your podcast?
Tell me about it. Yeah, podcast. We’re coming to the end, but tell everybody where they can find your podcast. Yeah, absolutely.
So, Align with Anita.
I’m there just to give a real, keep out the fluff, just get right to the point of showing people that transformations are real. And if you’ve lost your journey, if you’ve lost your hope, that’s what the podcast is all about, is showing other people are doing it and you can too.
Awesome. So nice to meet you, Danita. Danita Young, alignwithdanita.com. And she’s the girl that’s going to give you some free steps. I love this, five powerful steps free masterclass to break free from anxiety, stress, and procrastination
so you can feel unstoppable again. Who doesn’t need that? Have a great rest of your day.
Nice meeting you, Debbie.
You too. You too. Stay well. I’m going to use those booty bands because of you now. I’m going to use those booty bands because of you now. All right. Come stay tuned. More to come here on the Debbie Nigro show.