All CBD is NOT the same. All Wellness Practitioners are NOT the same either. Word of mouth from trusted sources typically steer you to the true professionals in any industry. Getting educated about CBD on my first day back in the radio studio since last March ‘live’ with ‘in person’ guests. Yes I did an entire show on CBD. ‘Staying well’ and “getting well” have become priority for many of us  after this past year and what I’ve been hearing first hand about the benefits of CBD have intrigued me A LOT.

CBD by the way does not stand for ‘Come Back Deb’ though it’s a cute idea since this day was a bit of a comeback for me. You see, right before Covid I fought breast cancer and won. (Thank you God and many!) Needless to say I was immuno-compromised and stayed far away from everybody for a long time. I broadcast remotely from home. I’m now a little more comfortable since I’m vaccinated, ‘showing up’. Plus got my hair back so now I don’t mind posin’ for a few shots as long as the photo is taken high and away. I’m more interested in staying alive and well these days than lookin’ cute. 

Here I am in the WGCH Radio Studio in Greenwich, CT with two ‘Best In Class’ Guests.  My valued friend and class act businessman Paul Borde the C0-Founder of PrimaBee CBD (front) drove in from Chatham, Mass. Dr Adam Massoud (left) the Chiropractic Physician/Founder of Greenwich Wellness ‘who literally saved Paul’ and inspired him on his CBD business journey was nearby and popped in.

The main thing you need to know about CBD is it does not make you feel stoned. It’s NOT the stuff that gets you high. It is the stuff that can get you well. 

People who don’t know much about CBD are curious and want to know more about it. Me too. I have no clue where to start with it, and I’m a big baby about taking anything new until I’m sure about it. So I’m getting educated and educating all of you who are interested as well. 

That’s why I really felt todays’ podcast show should be posted here as a ‘full show’ vs just the interview excerpts I’ve been featuring here all along throughout Covid. A CBD Education!

You see All CBD is NOT The Same. All Wellness Practitioners are NOT The Same either. Word of mouth from trusted sources typically steer you to the true professionals.  

The right CBD is being used to help people with huge success. The CBD buzz is everywhere and it’s only going to keep getting louder. Most people have no clue about what they’re really buying. It’s critical you TRUST the source of CBD because the real deal stuff with the right efficacy can really work wonders for you, for pain relief, inflammation reduction, sleep, anxiety, etc. It even helps pets!

Not so long ago Paul Borde’ was at wits end and could barely walk from a back injury sustained while playing golf. His pain was a ’10’ on the agony scale. Trying to avoid surgery he decided to trust a referral to highly regarded Greenwich, CT chiropractic physician Dr. Adam Massoud. Dr. Massoud was able to treat Paul successfully and had combined CBD with his treatments.

Paul, who didn’t even know what CBD was, not only recovered ‘pain free’ but was so blown away by feeling so great again he started his own best in class CBD company called PrimaBee.  The story gets better. He hasn’t taken a pain pill in two years and is passionate about helping educate others about CBD as a wellness ‘game changer’.

Paul and the chiropractic physician who got him well, Dr. Massoud  are collaborating so they can help as many other people as possible with the best CBD possibly available. Dr. Massoud will tell you he cannot keep CBD on his shelves in his practice.

Paul Borde’ is a sweetheart of a guy, but when it comes to business he’s a no nonsense guy, a stickler for everything ‘best practices’. Paul scoured the country for the highest quality USA grown hemp and has applied the industries’ best manufacturing methods and formulations to create some of the finest CBD in America. Each batch is 3rd party tested trusted and effective. He and his partner Stephen Crane even have ‘certificates of analysis’ on their site to show you the level of safety, quality and purity of their raw materials rarely found in the CBD industry.

As for Dr, Massoud, he’s passionate about his purpose that people lead an emotionally balanced and pain free life. He’s unique too, in that having cared for 9,000 patients of all ages, his patients credit him for being ‘the fastest and most intuitive source of guidance they’ve ever experienced with a one on one physician’. He  believes patient education is the most important part of any treatment to achieve optimum health and wow did he take time to educate how CBD affects your endocabinnoid system. He didn’t want to go so far as to call CBD a miracle but he is very clear he’s seeing it do miraculous things to heal and help people.

I enjoyed learning about CBD from these two trusted sources and I think you’l enjoy listening and learning too. Maybe something in this conversation will help you or someone you know.

(PS I did try the PrimaBee CBD Sport Cream for some leg pains caused by trying to walk those ‘10,000 steps a day’ a few too many days in a row in wrong sneakers. Worked like a charm!)





by Debbie

June 29, 2021

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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