Celebrity Psychic Thomas John Who Delivers Messages From Above Is Really Quite Down To Earth! (and pretty funny too.) Meet him today on the show at 10:20am where he’ll tell you himself with a giggle, that he’s glad he’s good at this because he’s not too good at much else. He doesn’t have to be. His gift is nothing short of AMAZING! My mouth remains open every time I see him perform in public, as he accurately name names, and describes people who have passed in order to deliver their messages to audience members who gasp. People go see him in the hope of believing there is something ‘more’ after loved ones pass, and many leave these experiences ‘comforted’ with the possibility there is. He’s says we all have the gift within us. (Yeah right). Thomas is performing in the NY area this week so I thought some of you might like to see him. The event in Tarrytown NY is sold out but there still might be a few spots left for his event in NYC tonight. Date: January 25th, 2018 , Time: 7-8:30pm
Location: New York’s Hotel Pennsylvania: 401 Seventh Avenue|New York, NY 10001. Check the links on his website below.

PS: Coming up in May in NYC: “Dead Serious The Musical” Thomas’s shares his journey. He’s more than just a conduit, he’s a human being with the same flaws we all have and although he has access to the spirits beyond, he’s no angel. While telling his story he will also connecting audience members with any of their loved ones who choose to come through. Might want to get in line for this one.


SHOULD you kiss both cheeks? As a global society, we must understand the nuances of cultural differences, expectations and people’s behavior from city to city, country to country and even between regions in the U.S. Why? So we are prepared to work or travel together cutting out unnecessary misunderstandings upfront. Think of it as a form of preventive medicine said Jocelyn Greenky, CEO of Sider Road Group of Companies, Office Culture, Politics and Diversity Experts, in her recent newsletter. (I subscribe and if you travel for work you might want to) Jocelyn, lends insight on the show today at 10:40am eastern, so you can create happy and solidified relationships no matter what the culture. You’ll love her story example of leaving Buffalo, NY as a young woman to go down south and sell Bucks Baseball Batting Cages into bars located in the boondocks without a clue! Funny.

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by Debbie

January 25, 2018

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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