We all know the power of social media is huge. We all know it, but it’s something that continues to morph and it’s hard to keep up. It affects us every single day in everything we do, so it’s not a light topic. It’s reshaping relationships and sparking debates on cultural shifts.

I invited an interesting guy to weigh in on this topic on my radio show. A spitfire celebrity, social media manager named Gary Frayter, who shared some things you should know.

Gary’s expertise goes beyond relationships. He has some solid social media insights that you can learn from, because of his experience managing the online brands of renowned figures like Mike Tyson whose followers he grew to a million. 

Gary who’s worked with a lot of celebrities and CEOs, has positioned himself with his Instagram handle @socialmediafortherich but I got him to share some valuable tips for free. (You’re welcome)

I was curious about the social media strategy he used for Mike Tyson who has had a bit of a checkered past, especially since Gary impresses upon people who use social media to be sure to use use the power of authenticity. What did he do for Mike Tyson that got that kind of social media growth?

 Gary said, “For Mike Tyson, I was managing all of the social media for his podcast called Hot Boxing with Mike Tyson. We would have guests on from Kevin Hart to different rappers to different football players. Basically, they would sit down and have genuine conversations, real, raw and authentic. What I would do is package the best moments, take that out, and make sure that that got into the hands of all the viewers. We saw substantial growth from that, and that’s what I do for basically everybody else too.”

What I heard Gary suggest was key to a great social media strategy is to be able to capture the best moments say of a podcast and repackage those moments as short bits to put out in other places on social media.

I can assure you nobody has time to listen to everybody’s everything.

Gary said, “Absolutely, especially when it’s an hour-long, hour-and-a-half-long podcast. Sometimes people just want the bite-sized pieces. They want the cliff notes. What are some of the best moments from that entire episode, and how do we make sure to package that with either a good caption or make it visually appealing and put that out on all platforms? That’s exactly what I do.”

Well, that’s what I should be doing better and many people out there who are trying to keep up with all the social media expectations.  

 Gary said, “What I do think is that you will always find your audience and you don’t always need a big audience, right? You just need a few people that really gravitate towards your message, really believe in what it is that you have to say and it’s kind of like finding a community, right? In person. But this just online just opens up a wider landscape so that you can kind of cast your net a little bit wider and this is exactly kind of, you know, comes
into the conversation about dating as well. In person, back in the day, it was a little bit harder to meet somebody that’s maybe in a different city. Now it’s a little bit easier.”

I asked Gary about the current state of online dating because I look at the dating landscape in social media and the whole relationship thing and I feel sad for so many people who are trying to figure it out and can’t meet somebody nice. How would he suggest people use social media to connect with somebody that they might want to connect with in real life for a dating relationship?

 Gary said, “Well, one of the things, one of my passions as well as social media is actually helping young men in all aspects of life. And one of the ways that basically I help guys is basically telling them that they need to be as well-rounded as possible, right? But you also need to market yourself because it’s never been more important to market yourself even on the dating scene, right? So for example, you could be the best person on the planet, you’ve got the best product, you could be the whole package, but if nobody knows about you, then what good does it do, you know? Or at least you won’t get to everybody that you want. And so that is basically the key, is basically becoming as well-rounded of a man, I’m a man, so I speak for guys, and of how they need to get in shape, they need to be well-educated, they need to make money, provide some sort of value to the world, and then also just package that and show off their life on social media. And so that last part is extremely important, how you market yourself, especially in the dating pool. I know for sure when a person meets someone they’re attracted to they will definitely go check out their online presence or profile.”

Because the dating apps have presented challenges for a lot of people, does Gary recommend that you contact somebody you might be interested in romantically on say, Instagram or LinkedIn, just to start a conversation?

“Maybe not LinkedIn, but absolutely Instagram I mean Instagram has become the best dating site on the planet for you know, I’m 28 years old so it’s become the best dating site at least in my generation and You know a lot of the hundreds of men that I’ve talked to yes, absolutely Because you could oh you could always say who it is that you are in person a little bit on a first date, but ultimately, your resume, so to say, is your social media, right? So it’s going to be a lot easier for people to kind of differentiate, or at least dissect a little bit more of who it is that you actually are when it comes to social media, when it comes to Facebook, Instagram, all of these things, they can see your hobbies, they can see when’s the last, okay, he hasn’t posted a picture since 2013. Why is that?”

 In our new world order on the subject of ‘influencers’  I  happen to catch a lot of people out there hawking stuff because they’re getting paid to hawk stuff, simple because they have enough followers to get paid, which brings up the subject… who on social media should you trust?

 Gary said, “Well, who you trust, it’s usually about following somebody. So the way that I look at influencers is like getting an inside scoop into the life of somebody that you found on social media that intrigues you, right? And so how that usually takes place is you have to build trust with that person, right? You slowly start to trust them. And the way that that influencer gets trust from you is by sharing their life with you. They share their life, they share in-depth moments, insights, and then you slowly be, you start to trust them. And then that is when you buy something.

“Usually, the people that you don’t trust and that maybe you just saw pop on the scene right away with a hundred thousand followers out of nowhere, you, you start to get some sort of skepticism from them because they haven’t built that trust with you.”

So I think people will ultimately buy from people that they trust and I think that that probably will bring down the saturation a little bit in terms of buying actual products from these influencers because you can’t trust everybody.”

 As for creating trust that’s what Gary does for his clients as a social media manager. He handles all of their content creation, from which he says most will see a return from inbound leads of people messaging on LinkedIn etc. and and saying, hey, I would love you for you to speak at this event or I would love for you to do XYZ for me.”

How Long Does the ROI on a Social Media investment Take? 

Gary said, “You know, the opportunities are genuinely endless, but you have to realize that it’s not going to happen overnight. And this is a chip away, chip away every single day type of thing. And then you will see a result within the next few months for sure.”

Gary Frayter does social media for Celebrities, Executives & CEO’s and guides them to becoming thought leaders. He Specializes in: TikTok/YouTube/ Instagram/ Facebook/ Twitter / LinkedIn/ Brand Building & Content Creation /Influencer Marketing / Paid Facebook, Instagram & Google Ads / SEO. 

His website is: GaryFrayter.com

Gary’s who’s originally from Greenwich, CT home of this radio show checked in from his current digs in Dallas, Texas.

 Enjoy this podcast of my live conversation with Gary Frayter on The Debbie Nigro Show. If you’d rather read than listen the transcript of the audio is below.


Download This Episode!


And now, back to the Debbie Nigro Show.

Love was changing the minds of pretenders. While chasing the clouds away. That’s my thing, man. I’m chasing those clouds away as often as I can. Doing it for you guys, too. You’re very welcome.

Hi, everybody. I’m Debbie Nigro. I wanted to let you enjoy a little bit of that song because I talked about what’s trending,

and that happens to be the song that has the wedding industry going nuts because everybody wants now to have their wedding on September 21st, so the hotels and the ballrooms and the wedding planning people are like, oh, come on. Okay, there’s another song. And the song, again, has billions of plays on social media, which has got it into the ears and minds and hearts of the new generation.

So the power of social media is obviously loud. We all know it, but it’s something that is continuing to morph, okay, and it affects us every single day in everything we do, so it’s not a light topic. It’s reshaping relationships, okay, and sparking debates on cultural shifts. So I’ve got a great guy to weigh in on this. Boy, he’s a spitfire celebrity, social media manager Gary Frayter, who’s originally from Greenwich, Connecticut, now down in Dallas,

Fort Worth, Texas, is joining us to tell you what you should know about all this stuff. Hey, Gary!

Hey, thank you so much for having me, Debbie.

I appreciate it.

Well, I’m so happy to be your new friend.


Now, I know you have incredible insight, and I know you’ve worked with a lot of celebrities and CEOs, and you’ve positioned yourself very interesting as the social media for the rich I noticed that your handle on Instagram and we’ll open up with Mike Tyson and what you did for him because I thought that was pretty impressive getting him up to a million followers is that what you did? Even more yeah I used

to manage all of the social media for his podcast I’ve worked with him and many many other other celebrities as well and some of the top CEOs and founders and executives.

Okay, so what was the strategy for Mike Tyson because he had a checkered past, okay, to say the least. I know that you share with people about the power of authenticity, okay, and how you really need to show up and differentiate yourself by being your authentic self as opposed to trying to be somebody else or pretend you’re selling something you don’t really like. What did you do for Mike Tyson that got that growth?

For Mike Tyson, I was managing all of the social media for his podcast called Hot Boxing with Mike Tyson. We would have guests on from Kevin Hart to different rappers to different football players. Basically, they would sit down and have genuine conversations, real, raw and authentic. What I would do is package the best moments, take that out, and make sure that that got into the hands of all the viewers.

We saw substantial growth from that, and that’s what I do for basically everybody else that

I work with. You just said something very key. You captured the best moments and repackaged them in short little bits and put them out in other places so people could pick up on what the whole conversation was about because nobody has time to listen to everybody’s everything.

Absolutely, especially when it’s an hour-long, hour-and-a-half-long podcast. Sometimes people just want the bite-sized pieces. They want the cliff notes. What are some of the best moments from that entire episode, and how do we make sure to package that with either a good caption or make it visually appealing and put that out on all platforms?

That’s exactly what I do.

Well, that’s what I should be doing better. And many people out there who are trying to keep up with all this, it’s a very generational divide and you know that, right? You’re a younger generation, I’m an older generation. We need you, you need us because we got the content, you got the know-how to put it out there. So I think there’s a collaboration that needs to happen on a regular basis, not just with the rich who can afford to pay a guy like you, but with people who are in business, are trying to sell something,

with somebody who knows how to do what you do. So I’m glad we’re talking about this. I do see the landscape becoming saturated. Do you?

Saturated in what sense? Because that’s a very good point that you bring up. What I do think is that you will always find your audience and you don’t always need a big audience, right? You just need a few people that really gravitate towards your message, really believe in what it is that you have to say and it’s kind of like finding a community, right? In person. But this just online just opens up a wider landscape so that you can kind of cast your net a little bit wider and this is exactly kind of, you know, comes

into the conversation about dating as well. In person, back in the day, it was a little bit harder to meet somebody that’s maybe in a different city. Now it’s a little bit easier.

What’s your status?

Are you single?

I am in a very great relationship, but I was single for quite a bit of time, but right now I’m in a really great relationship.

I’m really happy for you. And people who aren’t in great relationships would aspire to know how you did that or how you met somebody. I look at the dating landscape in social media and the whole relationship thing and I find it, I feel sad for so many people who are trying to figure it out and can’t meet somebody nice. Mostly the complaint is they don’t, people are ghosting other people meaning that they start a conversation and they blow them off. How does somebody, and what would you suggest, use social media to connect with somebody that they might want to connect with in real

life for a relationship?

Well, one of the things, one of my passions as well as social media is actually helping young men in all aspects of life. And one of the ways that basically I help guys is basically telling them that they need to be as well-rounded as possible, right? But you also need to market yourself because it’s never been more important to market yourself even on the dating scene, right? So for example, you could be the best person on the planet, you’ve got the best product, you could be the whole package, but if nobody knows about you, then what

good does it do, you know? Or at least you won’t get to everybody that you want. And so that is basically the key, is basically becoming as well-rounded of a man, I’m a man, so I speak for guys, and of how they need to get in shape, they need to be well-educated, they need to make money,

provide some sort of value to the world, and then also just package that and show off their life on social media. And so that last part is extremely important, how you market yourself, especially in the dating pool.

Well, this is very true. Somebody who might… Everybody will check out somebody else’s profile if they’ve met somebody they’re attracted to. They would just go immediately and see are they on Instagram, are they on LinkedIn,

are they on Facebook, are they anywhere? And then they would notice if the guy is laying in bed with three dogs and they hate dogs, this ain’t going to work. You know, that kind of stuff. But if he’s skiing, you know, the Black Diamond

and you’re a Black Diamond skier, hey, this could be a good, you know, social partnership. Do you recommend, because the dating apps have had a lot of challenges for a lot of people, do you recommend that somebody contact somebody they might be interested in romantically

on say, Instagram or LinkedIn, just to start a conversation?

I’m curious what you say to that. Yeah, maybe maybe not LinkedIn, but absolutely Instagram I mean Instagram has become the best dating site on the planet for you know, I’m 28 years old so it’s become the best dating site at least in my generation and You know a lot of the hundreds of men that I’ve talked to yes, absolutely Because you could oh you could always say who it is that you are in person a little bit on a first date, but ultimately, your resume, so to say,

is your social media, right? So it’s going to be a lot easier for people to kind of differentiate, or at least dissect a little bit more of who it is that you actually are when it comes to social media, when it comes to Facebook, Instagram,

all of these things, they can see your hobbies, they can see when’s the last, okay, he hasn’t posted a picture since 2013. Why is that?

What’s going on here? Yeah, right. What’s wrong with this guy? Or the people who use the same picture from 2013.


The heck.

Exactly. I know a guy, trust me. So this is an important conversation. We’re in a new world order. What I happen to catch in terms of influencers is that a lot of people are out there hawking stuff because they’re getting paid to hawk stuff because they have enough followers to get paid, in which case, who do you trust?

Speak to that.

Who it is that you trust in the sense of influencer marketing, you’re saying, like a company pays an influencer. Well, who you trust, it’s usually about following somebody. So the way that I look at influences is like getting an inside scoop into the life of somebody that you found on social media that intrigues you, right?

And so how that usually takes place is you have to build trust with that person, right? You slowly start to trust them. And the way that that influencer gets trust from you is by sharing their life with you. They share their life, they share in-depth moments, insights, and then you slowly be, you start to trust them. And then that is when you buy something. Usually the people that you don’t trust and that maybe you just saw pop on the scene right away with them,

with, with a hundred thousand followers out of nowhere, you, you start to get some sort of skepticism from them because they haven’t built that trust with you. So I think people will ultimately buy from people that they trust and I think that that probably will bring down the saturation a little bit in terms of buying actual products from these influencers because you can’t trust everybody.

Modern dating, you covered that for me. Thank you very much because there’s a lot of young men I’m sure could use your advice. I think guys are having a harder time of it these days too than maybe in the past. But let’s go back to what you’re doing, social media for celebrities, execs and CEOs. You call yourself social media for the rich. How much does it cost to hire you?

I mean, what’s somebody going to pay you to make them a better version of themselves or create them, put them more out there as a thought leader? What does it cost?

every day, we take that completely off of your play, all of the management, all of the content creation, you will see a return whether that comes in from inbound leads of people messaging you on LinkedIn and saying, hey, I would love you for you to speak at this event. I would love for you to do XYZ for me. You know, the opportunities are genuinely endless, but you have to realize that it’s

not going to happen overnight. And this is a chip away, chip away every single day type of thing. And then you will see a result within the next few months for sure.

Well that’s very educational. Thank you very much for that. Hey, you missed Greenwich. I heard you said you’re from Greenwich, Connecticut where I’m broadcasting live from right this second on WGCH radio. You were born here or grew up here? What’s that story?

I grew up there. I grew up in Cos Cob I love, love, love, love Greenwich. My family, I always talk to my mother because I bring her out to Dallas and I tell her, you know, the cost of living is a lot cheaper out here. But she’s like, yep, but I’m never, ever, ever leaving Greenwich. I said, you know what, I understand.

I don’t blame you.

Let’s do a shout out to your mother. What’s her name?

Karina Freighter.

Hello, Karina Frayter.. You did good with your kid. He’s great. You’ve got a great, joyful personality and it comes through on your website, GaryFreighter.com. And I love the pictures you put up. I did notice you mostly represent male influencers.

Is that intentional?

Yeah, I mean, that’s my target demo for sure.

Your target demo is celebrity men and CEOs and entrepreneurs, correct?

Yes, between usually the ages of 25 to 40, sometimes 45.

Okay, well that was actually well said, because one thing you did say very loudly in much of your post is, know your audience, know who you’re playing to, and serve them perfectly. So congratulations to you, Gary Frayter

Great, thank you so much, thank you for having me.

Yeah, really nice having you too. This is Gary, who is helping celebrity CEOs and high-level executives become thought leaders and build personal brands? He had a lot to say about all that stuff. You can find him on Gary Frayter.com  And on Instagram, he’s @socialmedia or therich which made me smile And linkedin to have a great day Gary. Thank you. Ciao

good insight I

I told you, we need to learn from each other, the young and the wise, right? There’s no balance, we need balance. There’s no balance, we need balance. Alright, more to come on the Trending Tuesday, Debbie Nigro Show, next.

Transcribed with Cockatoo


by Debbie

October 10, 2024

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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