Misty LaBoy Knows a Thing or Two About Negative Self-Talk.

 A health and beauty industry leader for over 20 years (in the top 2% of multiple billion-dollar health and beauty organizations) her career success did nothing for a long while to offset her personal struggle with weight and self-image.

Even after successfully losing 60 pounds, she had to work on her internal feelings to maintain her weight loss. She believes lifestyle changes, including mindset changes, are more effective than diets.

 Misty believes it so much she made a business out of it!

 Misty Laboy who has produced countless live events and trainings brings a wealth of knowledge to help people dealing with rejection, doubt, people pleasing, etc. by teaching them how transform to think look and feel their best. She joined me on my radio show to some tips to help you get rid of your own negative self-talk.  

 Misty emphasizes that negative self-talk is a significant challenge for many people and that individuals have the power to be either their own critic or cheerleader. It’s a matter of choosing to think differently since negative thoughts are typically not beneficial.

 I personally always like to talk about what I call our “higher brain” vs our “lower brain”. Our lower brain seems to be a troublemaker, even when our higher brain knows better. LOL

 Misty suggests that self-awareness is crucial in recognizing and changing automatic negative thoughts. She recommends reframing negative thoughts to combat them. For example, changing “I hate my fat stomach” to “I’m working on leaning out my stomach” can make a significant difference.

 Social media, says Misty, often has a negative impact on self-image, especially among women, especially when they start comparing themselves to the unrealistic highlight reels of others online.

 But Misty does loves social media that sends the right messaging. She’s an avid podcast listener and liked my upbeat messaging so much when she found The Debbie Nigro Show on Spotify that she reached out to be on my show and share her knowledge. I’m glad she did. It’s time to change all those negative thoughts into positive ones. Like I always say, “Risk It or Regret It!”

 Misty’s Course and Coaching:

 Misty offers a 12-week course focused on self-love and self-worth, addressing core issues and including one-on-one sessions tailored to individual needs. Misty feels comfortable discussing a wide range of subjects from self-love to alternative lifestyles and has diverse expertise and interests.

 For example, she mentioned she is in a polyamorous relationship, and has both a husband and a boyfriend, and they are teaching a seminar on the topic. That will have to be a whole other show!  More at MistyLaboy.com.

  Enjoy the podcast of our live conversation on The Debbie Nigro Show on WGCH Radio.  If you would rather read than listen the transcript is below. 

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And now, back to the Debbie Nigro Show.

Hey guys, welcome back to the Debbie Nigro Show. Great to have you with me and I’m about to introduce you to a gal that I’m going to learn something from today. Her name is Misty LaBoy and she got my attention because she contacted me and I thought she’d be a good guest for the show, and then she did it again and again. I was like, oh my God, I really liked extending my hand to help another girlfriend. That’s true. And that’s what she’s all about as well. Today we’re going to talk about negative self-talk.

You know, we all have stuff that we carry around in our heads that we know we’ve got to get rid of in order to move forward, right, because you just can’t believe My engineer Bob and everybody who listens to the show knows I’ve learned from a guest in the past that negative thoughts Stick to your brain like velcro and the happy thoughts slide off like Teflon so Misty Laboy What do you have to say about that?

Hate everything for having me on today I am excited to talk to you about negative self-talk because I would say it’s probably one of my clients’ biggest challenges to overcome. What we think about we bring about and so often you can be your biggest critic, or you can be your biggest cheerleader. The choice is up to you.

It’s the same person, same brain. Why not try something different because those negative thoughts have not been serving you. So why not, let’s try some exercises that can help you reframe those thoughts and think

better thoughts that will serve you.

Oh boy, you are so hitting a nerve I think with a lot of people. I love all your five star ratings from people who have taken your course and I believe you offer a course of skills, a coaching program that people, skills people can use every single day and so that’s in my wheelhouse because I teach people the skills of conversation and communication, right? You’re more about beauty and self-love and weight and let’s just talk about weight for a second. Yeah. In reading about you, fabulous that you are and you are fabulous, health and beauty industry

leader over 20 years, top 2% of multiple billion-dollar health and beauty organizations, rising through the ranks. I’m like, I know how hard you work to get that done. Okay, congratulations to you. Thank you. Really, I understand, you know, and but you also talk about struggling with your weight for as long as you can remember. Hey, welcome to my life and you know most of the women I know, but you talk about how that idea, even after you lost 60 pounds, was tied into your personal worth and how you felt about yourself, that your physical appearance

had everything to do with how you felt about yourself and even losing 60 pounds didn’t change that. I think you need to speak to that.

Yeah, absolutely. You know, we always think once we reach the goal, once we lose the weight, things are going to be different, we’re going to feel better, life’s going to change, you know, like it’s a magic pill or something, but unfortunately that’s not the case and I found that even after losing 60 pounds, although I was happy with my outward appearance, I still had a lot of stuff going on internally that was a struggle. So I needed to get my mind right and was able to do that and I think that really attributes to being able to keep the weight off for years and years. I really think that diets don’t work but lifestyle changes do and lifestyle changes include you know

getting your brain right. Oh boy you nailed it. I think isn’t it amazing how we carry around this thing under our hair or bald heads that controls us that we can’t control. Mostly can’t. You know what I’m saying? It’s like two parts up there and I call it the higher brain the lower brain. My higher brain knows better and my lower brain that Debbie she is a pain in my, you know what, she does not listen. She’s trouble. We all have the other part of us that’s trouble, right? The evil twin.

Yes, your evil twin. You need to set her up because she really is not serving you. And one of the things that I found helpful is to just, you know, reframe your thoughts. You know, self-awareness is everything. Once you’re aware that these thoughts are automatic and they’re going on every day, you know, 90% of our thoughts are automatic. We keep thinking them, we keep replaying them, so our reality doesn’t change much. So a self

awareness is where it starts and then

you can begin reframing your thoughts. Okay. I recommend to my clients to ask themselves questions, you know, like is this always

You know, instead of going worst case scenario, go best case scenario.

All right, I need a little help on that. So say I’m driving down the road, and that’s where a lot of thinking happens that repeats itself on a lot of people who take commute or drive cars or alone. What do you suggest to do to like get rid of that thought immediately? Some people would put a rubber band on their hands and snap it as an example.

I’ve heard of that, yeah.

You have a better idea?

Yeah, yeah. Some people just cancel and reframe that thought, you know, so instead of saying, you know, gosh, I hate my fat stomach, you know, change that thought to I’m working on leaning out my stomach.

I see, okay, it’s language.

It is the language.

Yeah, and I’m a wordsmith and I do know this, the power of words, what choices of words you use directly impact your reaction and actions. So that’s important you mention that. I was looking at what you teach people and what kind of courses you give because I’m like okay, what does this interesting girl do? And everything from makeup and weight loss and self-love coaching, but you had categories and where are those categories?  I thought were very loud

Where people could saying they had self-doubt that would be one category. Oh here. They’re on your website MistyLaboy.com very lovely  -Rejection people have negative beliefs about themselves doubt people have uncertainty about themselves people pleasers are always seeking validation from everybody Then there are just those who have a negative self-image no matter how much they are fabulous and then there’s neglect which is people who prioritize others over themselves. I’ll fit that last category loud, okay? I think everybody fits all those categories a little bit, mostly for women because I think women have a tougher time with self-image than guys do. Am I correct in guessing that?

Yeah, I mean everyone deals with insecurities and issues with their self-image, but I would say that women do suffer a little more and of course media doesn’t help.

Yeah, they don’t help. What’s wrong with these people? You think they would have caught on by now. But no, you know what’s making it worse actually? TikTok, I think is making it worse. And you know, the less a girl wears, the more following she has. The more, you know, out there

she is, the more influence she has. That people, women, especially who are on social media more tend to have a negative, a more negative self-image. It’s directly equated.

Boy, it’s terrible. I mean, I love that social media has allowed us to share information in a very interesting and loud way, but the negative stuff that’s come out of it is really affecting people’s heads. So, do you address that?

Yes, we talk a lot about comparing. We all get caught in that trap of comparing and when you’re comparing yourself to someone else of course we know that we’re comparing our weaknesses to their strengths so we’re always going to come up short. We’re comparing our mundane everyday to their highlight reel.

Oh yeah, and those highlight reels.

Doesn’t serve us.

No, it doesn’t serve. Earlier in the week there was a, there were the results of a survey about influencers and how 98% of them are making less than a hundred thousand dollars a year which means most of them probably not making any money. The few that are making a lot of money are the ones who have the most influence and the reason they’re making a lot of money for the most part is because they’re bizarre and I don’t know not real and so that’s the problem because if you ask any young person what they want to be when they grow up they’re

like I want to be an influencer. Okay, really, where are we going here? So women are getting hit hard on this. How do you share your services, your smarts, your knowledge with people? You put it into a course or courses or individual coaching.

What do you do? Yes, I run a 12-week course based around self-love and self-worth. At the core of all of our issues, there is a self-worth issue. And we really dive deep into uncovering that and working through that. And that could include, you know, childhood trauma and past relationships and things like that.

Well, this is, and so how often, once a week, how do people participate in 12 on their own at a certain time? Yeah, it’s partly self-guided.

There are videos that you watch and then we do one-on-one individual sessions that are you know tailored to your individual needs

Alright cool, and how’d you find me because I really when I went back and looked I said Earlier in the show you didn’t hear me say it there have been many times when I have written to somebody To try and connect with them that they didn’t get back to me And I got annoyed like come on and I’m another no And I’m like I do it like three times and then I give up, right? So after we went back and forth, I was like, you know, I just like this girl because she’s got something meaningful to say and I should let her say it. So that’s why you’re here.

But how did you come find me? You’re welcome.

How did you find me? I believe it was Spotify.


I’m a podcast junkie.

Oh, how nice are you? So you thought you’d fit. You do fit.

You fit right here with me.

Thank you. Yeah. Where are you physically in the world, Misty?

Pottstown, Pennsylvania, which is a suburb of Philadelphia.

I know Pottstown, Pennsylvania very well. And the name Misty, is that your birth name? It is. It makes me feel misty when I say it, like I calm down. Beautiful. Who are you in life? Are you a mom, a single woman?

and I am in a very happy polyamorous relationship, which means that I have a husband and a boyfriend. Oh, that’s worth talking about on another show, that’s for sure.

How’s that going?

It’s going amazing. We’re actually teaching a seminar this weekend at a conference. So the odds are you and two guys.

Yeah. That’s an interesting other show, we’ll have to get back to that. I noticed when you sent me, and because it’s our first time talking together, I wanted to keep it more generic in topic. You gave me a list of things that you can speak to. Why don’t you run through that list? Do you know that by heart or do you want me to read it off to you?

If you don’t mind reading it.

Yeah, sure, if I can find it, I’ll do it in a second. No, you gave me a list, and I picked from the list, knowing my audience and what I thought. Okay, hold on. Where was that list? Because it was a big list.

Jeez, Misty.

But it was, you know, it started off with things that would fit in my wheelhouse. And I go, Oh, this is getting interesting into topics. I wouldn’t typically know how to bring to life on this show.

All right.

So where are the, come on, help me out. Where’s that list? Okay. I pulled up the list for you.

All right.

Hold on.

Where’s the darn list, Misty. My computer is active. Oh, I got it. I got it. I got it. I’ll handle it. Self-love. Okay.

She said, these are the topics I feel comfortable discussing. So, self-love, self-image, attachment, boundaries, self-confidence, body image, women’s empowerment, plant medicine, psychedelics, spiritual awakening, limiting beliefs, negative self-talk. And I’m already going, why don’t I have a list like this? It’s like being very clear what she can tweak to. NLP. What’s NLP? Well, you’ve got a lot going on there.

Polyamory, open relationships, alternative lifestyles, radical honesty, raising your

vibe, self-awareness, weight loss, makeup, fitness, transformation, awakening your inner goddess, and sexuality.

So, I actually stopped because of all the things you said you can speak to. I’m like, well, this is an interesting woman. And now you’re sharing how interesting you are and interesting you’re a woman. And I’m like, well, I’m not sure I’m interested in that. I’m not sure I’m interested in that. I’m not sure I’m interested in that. I’m not sure I’m interested in that. can speak to, well this is an interesting woman, and now you’re sharing how interesting

you are and how interesting your life is. There you go. What is a typical day like for you? Are you online helping people with coaching? Are you on your computer a lot?

Are you creating webinars? For somebody who may want to understand how to interact with you. All of the above. All of the above. I mean I work, I always have time set aside to work with one-on-one clients and I do some group work but once a month I do a free like a master class a zoom lesson on topics like body image and like self-awareness self-confidence those things that I feel like women really struggle with. Okay I

will put out her website mistylaboy.com you may want to check out what she’s got coming up and maybe one of those free zooms are a way for you to get initially interested or be helped by her. Thank you so much for your time and I’ve loved having you on the show and we’ll talk more about the other topic when I have, I’m going to put a whole show over there, okay? You’ll be my girl.

Sounds good, Debbie. I appreciate you.

Alright, have a great day, Misty.

Thank you.


Transcribed with Cockatoo


by Debbie

February 22, 2024

About the author 


Debbie Nigro delusionally insists she is Still A Babe and takes her listeners on a wild ride through daily news & relevant content with an attitude that is positively infectious. No One Sees the Glass of Cabernet Half Full Like Debbie!

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