Jordan Goodman Americas Money Answers Man Has Answers Others Won’t Tell You.
There Are Good Men And Then There’s A Good Man who’s Good At Money who’s name is actually Goodman. (What are the chances?) Jordan Goodman knows a LOT about money and spends hours each day personally answering money questions he gets from people around the country. I saw the thousands of of emails he gets with my own eyes. He’s a regular contributor to my show now and I’ve introduced him to some very personal friends I thought he might be able to help. And he’s called them directly. Each has written or called me to thank me for ‘him’. SO….he’s on with me again today. I encourage you to spend some time on his website and if there’s anything you have a money question about you can write and say you heard about him through me and you will get a response immediately. He has an amazing way of educating you about money issues and helping you solve problems. Just read what others have said about him. Listen LIVE today 10-11am eastern 1490 WGCH.