The Dowling Financial Group Presents: “ Stories.” A series of ‘Authentic” interviews with successful entrepreneurial businesswomen to give others insight into their business decisions that worked and didn’t.
Today’s star entrepreneur is Debbie Barry who offers Meditation and Ayurveda Classes (Geez I need those). She explains, in Ayurveda we balance our minds through what we see, smell and hear. Thus her Dosha Candle business sprung up as well. There are 3 Doshas, each scent balances the Dosha Type. What’s your Dosha Type? Tune in at 10:20am eastern to find out.
I’m curious myself. So is Wim Luddington below from The Dowling Group CPA + Wealth Advisor. Love that he and his company stepped up to sponsor this fabulous series on my show. They are ‘authentic” and you should go see them and have a chat because they offer sage financial advice, an unpretentious environment, and also do taxes which is rare , so they keep everything under one roof so you can relax under your own roof.